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Holtkamp Organ

The present Cathedral organ was built by Walter Holtkamp Sr. of Cleveland, Ohio. The organ is an outstanding example of the “American classic” ideal, set forth during a 30-year period beginning in 1930 by G. Donald Harrison of Aeolian Skinner, Boston and Walter Holtkamp.

The organ is designed to play the entire repertoire convincingly, lead congregational hymn singing and accompany the unique sound of the Cathedral choirs.

The organ includes several different and colorful flute stops, generously scaled and clear voiced principals, broad and bold reed tone, and warm strings. The pedal division includes five stops at sixteen- foot pitch.

In 1999, the Holtkamp Organ Company, completely renovated the console, added solid-state combination action, re-leathered the electro-pneumatic chests and added a new Festival Trumpet.

Holtkamp Organ: 1949.

Renovation and Additions, 1999

38 stops/51ranks

organs 5.jpg


Subbass 16’ (ped.)

Quintandena 16’

Principal 8’

Gedackt 8’

Octave 4’

Gemshorn 4’

Super Octave 2’

Quinte 2 2/3’

Mixture IV

Festival Trumpet 16’**

Festival Trumpet 8’**

Festival Trumpet 4’**


Geigen Principal 8’

Voix Celeste 8’

Gamba 8’

Rohrflote 8’

Quintaton 8’

Octave Geigen 4’

Bourdon 4’

Blockflote 2’

Plein Jeu IV

Fagott 16’

Trompette 8’

Fagott 8’**

Oboe Clarion 4’




Copula 8’

Dulciana 8’

Rohrflote 4’

Ludwigtone 4’

Nazard 2 2/3’

Tierce 1 3/5’

Cromorne 8’

Festival Trumpet 16’**

Festival Trumpet 8’**

Festival Trumpet 4’**



Subbass 32’** (bottom 12 notes elec.)

Contrabass 16’

Subbass 16’

Quintadena 16’ (Gt.)

Octave 8’

Violon 8’

Flauto Dolce 8’

Choralbass 4’

Flute 4’

Mixture IV** (replaced original Mixture III)

Posaune 32’** (bottom 12 notes elec.)

Posaune 16’

Fagott 16’ (Sw)

Trumpet 8’

Festival Trumpet 16’**

Festival Trumpet 8’**

Festival Trumpet 4’**

Couplers: Great/Pedal, Swell/Pedal, Positiv/Pedal 8&4, Swell/Great, Positiv/Great, Swell/Positiv

Combination: Solid State Logic, 25 Memory Levels**

**1999 Holtkamp Renovation and Additions

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