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By building relationships in communities locally and globally, Christ Church Cathedral aims to empower others to glorify God and live with dignity. We’re all broken, just in different ways. By walking with others in relationship, we believe that God will change our hearts and use us to change the lives of others.

Packing Boxes



By building relationships in communities locally and globally, Christ Church Cathedral aims to empower others to glorify God and live with dignity. We’re all broken, just in different ways. By walking with others in relationship, we believe that God will change our hearts and use us to change the lives of others.

The Community Closet Needs Your Help!

Help show love and keep our neighbors in need warm! In January & February, the Community Closet is seeking donations of blankets, coats, and men's blue jeans of all sizes. All donations can be brought to the Welcome Desk. The Community Closet is a ministry partnership with Central Christian Church that provides free clothing to people in need. Learn more below. Have questions or interested in volunteering? Contact Kathleen Imhoff at

Outreach Opportunities



Interested in volunteering or learning more? Contact Kathleen Imhoff

The Cupboard provides personal grooming items and cleaning supplies to people in need. Volunteers fill bags with these supplies which then are distributed by our partner, The Nest. People receiving the supplies are referred by the Family Resource Centers or one of 43 other non-profit referring centers. The Cupboard volunteers also make home deliveries, stock shelves and fill bags which are distributed at several other social service agencies.


Interested in volunteering or making a donation? Contact Kathleen Imhoff

The Community Closet is a partnership ministry with Central Christian Church that provides free clothing for men, women, and children from 10a-12p Saturday mornings at the Watkins Building, 219 E. Short Street. All types of items are available including casual wear, jeans, shirts, t-shirts, sox, underwear, shoes and blankets. This ministry is unique in that it does not require a person to have a referral, just some form of identification. This ministry is looking for volunteers and there are 3 WAYS YOU CAN HELP. 1. DONATE in season items in good condition by bringing them to the Welcome desk. You can always call the Welcome desk to find out what items are currently needed. 2. HELP SORT donations. 3. VOLUNTEER once a month at the Closet (Saturdays 10a-12pm) to help people select items, stock the racks, and bag the items. Working at the Closet is an opportunity to see ministry in action.


To make a secure online donation, CLICK HERE.

EAF provides financial assistance to clients in need of immediate help with rent, utilities, water, or sewage bills. Clients are assisted once a year with assistance totaling $150. Social workers make referrals on behalf of clients in need. This fund is supported by contributions from the congregation and is not a line item in the budget.


BUILD, Ongoing

To learn more CLICK HERE to visit BUILD's website or contact Deborah Gerth

BUILD (Building a United Interfaith Lexington through Direct-Action) is an organization of congregations in Lexington that employs the practices of direct action community organizing to help our city. Presently, we are among 27 congregations partnering with BUILD to do this important work in Fayette County.


To volunteer or donate, contact Carolyn Witt Jones

Affordable Housing supports the families in the program by walking alongside them as they gain independence.


To volunteer or donate, contact Matt Strange

Once a quarter, we provide sandwiches to the Hope Center to supply to hungry people in the city.

E=HOPE, Ongoing

To partner and donate, contact Windy Roscoe or Pat Arnold

We partner with our Daughters of the King to support Education Equals Hope (E=Hope), a program that sends girls in Haiti to school and communicates with them on an on-going basis, promising them a brighter future.


To make a secure online donation, CLICK HERE.

Want to learn more or help organize this project? Contact Michael Miller

Harrison Elementary is a local school that we sponsor and support. Every year from August to the beginning of September, we have a school supply drive to help provide classroom supplies for the beginning of the school year.


Interested in learning more about being a mentor? Contact Mary Mc

Interested in making a difference in the life of a child? Please consider offering an hour of your time each week serving as a mentor at Harrison Elementary. Be part of the future by helping today’s children prepare for tomorrow! To learn more or sign up, contact Mary Mc at Harrison Elementary is a local school that we sponsor and support. Each school year we send mentors to tutor at-risk students at the school based on classroom needs and a volunteers availability (regarding day of the week or time of day). A background check is required. Training is provided.


To volunteer or learn more, contact Carol Riker

Volunteers assist with activities for youth who gather at Tates Creek Community Center after school and on non-school days. Currently volunteers from Cathedral Outreach, Grace United and other community volunteers conduct weekly arts and crafts activities. We also provide healthy snacks during the school year and help with occasional celebrations. Want to volunteer or have an idea for a new activity for youth? Contact Carol Riker at and we’ll take it to the Center Director! Volunteering requires a Records Check. A volunteer orientation will be provided.

sandwich saturday.jpg

ANGEL TREE, December (annually)

To volunteer or donate, contact Carmen Wells

Angel Tree serves the children and families of our partner school, Harrison Elementary, and other local elementary schools during the holiday season.

Our Partners


Christ Church Cathedral is committed to partnering with agencies throughout our city in order to bring equity to all populations. Below is a list of partnering organizations. If you'd like to get involved in one of them, please contact them directly.

Community Action Council

Fayette County School Family Resource Centers
Ballard Place
St. James Place
Lexington Senior Center
The Veterans Administration
Adult and Tenant Services
Lexington Housing Authority
Rose Street Apartments

Questions about the Community Closet? Interested in volunteering? 

Contact Kathleen Imhoff at

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