Practicing Compassion means turning our prayer into action for the world's healing.
If you made a new year’s resolution to renew your life and purpose, and interruptions have happened, you’re not alone. So, here’s the good news. Lent is about renewing our relationship with God, whose heart overflows with compassion for all. As we journey toward Easter, we have an exciting way to renew our lives and impact others by practicing compassion.  So what is compassion, and why is it important? If empathy is prayerfully feeling the pain of others, and even our own, compassion is taking action to alleviate the pain. Practicing compassion then means turning our prayer into action for the world’s healing, which is at the heart of God’s mission for us at Christ Church. Like a loving parent, God looks upon us with unending compassion and cherishes all. Practicing compassion calls us to see the world as God sees us. To prayerfully feel the suffering and brokenness and take concrete actions for its healing. In Lent, we do this through three spiritual practices traditionally named: •   Fasting (reducing distractions that separate us from God’s love) •   Prayer (meditation, mindfulness, and attending worship) •   Almsgiving (financial generosity and loving service for those in need)  We find the three Lenten practices in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus’ guide to wholehearted living (Matthew 5-7). Jesus says that practicing prayer, fasting, and almsgiving with integrity opens and deepens our relationship with God. And Lent is the season to deepen our relationship with God intentionally. Relationships are essential to our health and well-being. They take time, intentionality, and commitment. Our relationship with God is no exception. As we approach Lent, I want to challenge you to the three time-tested, concrete, and life-giving actions this holy season: •   Fast: Reduce distractions and interruptions •   Pray: Attend worship each Sunday at church •   Give: Commit to acts of generosity and loving service Practicing compassion is essential for our physical and spiritual health, our children, and the world. When we take on the three spiritual practices of Lent, our prayer will turn into compassionate action for the world’s healing.
"The Twenty" Exhibit GALLERY HOP
Friday, November 15
5:00 - 8:00pm
Over the last years, Lexington artist Mary Neely has taken six different groups of Central Kentucky artists to Paris and other regions of France to paint and learn about that beautiful historic country. In March and April, Christ Church Cathedral is pleased to host an exhibit featuring the art some of the alumni which was inspired on those trips.  Please join us for Gallery Hop, Friday, March 17, to meet the artists and for refreshments and music by Kristie & Al Beers.
Friday, December 6
Fauré’s sublime musical reflection on life, death, and resurrection will prepare your hearts for Holy Week.